Vim Plugins

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Pope plugins


Well uh... it's sensible. There are some redundancies in my personal settings, but I don't have everything here and it can't hurt.


Having written all of this html after making this website, I know I made a good choice. Can also come in handy when writing notes


Comes in handy when I'm working on git projects obviously, would recommend


Come's up occassionally, good when you tend to write a lot of well documented code or need to block something out quick


General plugins


Not commonly used but when it's handy its very handy


Provides many new targets, very handy in conjuction with other plugins


I like it when my yanks are highlighted more so I know what I did, just works in the back

nerdtree, nerdtree-git-plugin, vim-devicons

I use it occassionally, but as of now I tend to know my file structures or use fzf.


Simply underlines every instance of the current word on screen, handy when looking at variables in code.


Multi-line cursors are fucking sick


Very handy for getting to files quick, recommend it with the later command that adds hidden files to the results.


Gets rid of highlights when you exit search mode. It's the little things sometimes, y'know?


junegunn's version. Very handy when you write code sometimes, breaks vimwiki but I made an autocommand to fix it later on.

Visual flair


This one mainly comes up to add git icons in a few places with other plugins

vim-airline, vim-airline-themes

Airline is very nice, probably my favorite vim powerline out of the box, especially in terms of configuring it.

gruvbox, onedark.vim vim-color-solarized

My color schemes, I switch occassionally so I have multiple.


Who doesn't love a good start page? Extremely customizable and looks nice


Adds a scrollbar/minimap to the side to give a rough idea of what your code looks like and where you are, not for everyone but I find it neat.

Coding stuffs


I just use this for better C++ highlighting. It makes some things more readable and adds highlighting that should honestly be default


My preferred lsp engine, I don't have a preference it's just the one I have.


I'm iffy on this one, I like it but it's also a bit aggressive for my taste, I need to look at changing it's behavior if that's possible.


Auto-closes brackets and braces when you press enter, a handy little plugin that kinda just works in the background to make you life easier.


Just draws vertical bars to indicate where you tabs are, useful for quickly keeping things in line when you have large functions of code. Unmaintained but it's still the best one I found.

My note system


Amazing note taking extension, I use it just about every day. Markdown syntax and file linking, would recommend checking it out if you need something like this.


The latex environment I use for vim, it gets the job done, and handles cleanup well.

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